Lily-Anna has a visit from Ollie the Orangutan!
Lily-Anna told her mother she'd bought a friend home for the night. Her mum got such a surprise to find she had an Orangutan AND a gorilla in her school bag.
After the initial shock, they thought they should find out a little about what these primates like to eat and where they like to sleep - they've never had an Orangutan or a gorilla stay at their house before.
They discovered that Orangutans are quite social and very playful. They live in trees in the forest. They mostly eat fruit.
Luckily there were plenty of bananas. Orangutans and gorillas eat a lot!
The first thing that Lily thought Ollie needed was a hair brush. Lily-Anna's two sisters were pleased to meet Ollie also. Lily didn't know if the gorilla had a name so she decided to name the gorilla "Daisy" after her younger sister!? Ollie watched while Lily-Anna did some colouring in, and then they played schools together. Ollie and "Daisy the gorilla" were excellent pupils. Then Lily decided to take Ollie and Daisy to show them her play house. It was raining and quite cool outside, so she dressed them up really well in warm jackets and hats. They both really liked it in the playhouse it reminded them of where they normally live in the trees.
While they ate dinner, the primates sat in Lily's sisters baby seat.
That night, Ollie and Daisy slept beside Lily in her bed I wonder if Gorillas snore?
Thanks for visiting, Ollie and Daisy the gorilla.
I hope you didn't teach Lily and her sister's any monkey tricks!
Thank you Lily-Anna for showing Olli your home. You found out lots of interesting information too!
From Room 10
Sorry Olli - I just realised I spelt your name wrong in this blog :-(
Don't tell Mr Mouat - he might make me write lines. ;-)
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